An irritable baby with delays came into my office with full body eczema and allergies to almost every food. I determined that the common bile duct, duodenum, and liver were restricted, and the baby could not digest and metabolize proteins. The release of the common bile duct took less than thirty seconds. Her liver and duodenum freed up, and her eczema cleared. Her gross motor skills and speech improved, so that now, at age 3, she has no more delays.
What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation recognizes how trauma and emotions have an impact on our body and its functions due to how receptive organs are to our feelings. Viscera itself refers to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Using a general manual therapy such as Visceral Manipulation helps your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that are causing pain and dysfunction.This soft, hands-on manual therapy does not focus solely on the site of pain but looks through your entire body to find the source of the problem. While we may feel pain or dysfunction in one area, the source of the problem could be far away from the site in pain. Restrictive patterns throughout the body can be found and your therapist will use Visceral Manipulation to help the body's ability to adapt and restore itself to health.
Your therapist will use gentle compression, mobilization, and elongation of the soft tissues to help release discomfort in your body. Each journey with Visceral Manipulation is different and unique to the individual and their body, but one could anticipate recognizing improvement in three to five sessions.
Your therapist will use gentle compression, mobilization, and elongation of the soft tissues to help release discomfort in your body. Each journey with Visceral Manipulation is different and unique to the individual and their body, but one could anticipate recognizing improvement in three to five sessions.
The Origins of Visceral Manipulation
Osteopath and registered Physical Therapist Jean Pierre Barral worked at a Lung and Disease Hospital in Grenoble, France, and found an interest in the movement of the body, also known as biomechanics. Barrall learned to follow patterns of stress in the tissue of the body. Through these studies, he discovered the potential to notice lines of tension in the body and the concept that tissues have memory. Through clinical work, Barral developed Visceral Manipulation Therapy, focusing on the internal organs, their fascial environments, and their influence on structural and physiological disorders. In 1985, Barral took his knowledge and began teaching Visceral Manipulation in the United States, trained a team of international instructors to teach around the world, and authored textbooks and books for the general public. "Understanding the Messages of Your Body" is Barral's most notable book, explaining the link between our organs, emotion, and health.
What Visceral Manipulation Helps With